Friday, January 21, 2011

Wisdom From the Lady Who Doesn't Know Much...How Inspiring

My dream in starting this blog is that one day my two boys will read it and find themselves very sure of a few things.  Number one that their Mom and Dad loved them very much, number two that even though we may not have always know what the perfect parent thing was to do that we tried really hard to give them the best life we could.

My third and most important wish is that they will have some insight into who I am as a person.  I want them to be able to look back at their childhood and see it through my eyes and in this way know me better.  I think it is so important for kids to know who their parents are and sometimes through the circumstances life throws us this doesn't always happen.  I lost my mother in my early twenties and I know I would have loved to have something like this, in her words to help me know who she was.

So I thought it would be neat to list out some of the things I want my boys to know as they grow up and enter into adulthood.  Maybe one day we will all sit and have a chuckle at what their Mom wanted to make sure to pas along to them or maybe if I don't get a chance to say all of these things to them they will one day find them here and know I wanted them to have this advice and knowledge.

1) Right now Mom and Dad can make everything better.  If you have a bad day or fall and hurt yourself we can kiss it better or take your mind off of whatever is bothering you.  Someday soon we will lose this power and there will be days when things happen that will appear to be the end of the world to you.  My hugs might help but you will feel pain that I can't easily remedy.  Maybe it will be a mistake that you made or a girl might break your heart or perhaps there might be something you really want that you cannot obtain.  These will be the moments that my heart will ache for you.  I will cheer you on when you want me to, sit quietly beside you when you let me and the times where you want to deal with your feelings on your own I will sit with myself feeling your heartbreak as if it were my own.  No matter how old you are or what you are going through I will be there both in body and spirit.

2) Life will throw many unexpected curves at you.  While it is certainly important to have a plan for life it is equally important to understand that you must roll with the deviations from your plan.  Nothing is insurmountable if you put your mind to it.  So, be prepared for the curves.  Always make sure that you have an emergency savings fund and a back up plan.  This will help immensely during the moments that don't quite go as planned.

3) Life is super short so if you find yourself in a situation which isn't making you happy, a job that you dread going to, a relationship that brings more pain than happiness, or dreams unfulfilled find the courage to make change.  Fear of change and comfort in our current situation (even if it is bad) can sometimes stop us form making changes in our lives that would bring greater fulfillment.  Don't be afraid to dream and even better don't be afraid to take that first step toward your dream.  Often that first step is the most difficult but once it is made you will find the rest come with more ease.

4) Laugh at yourself, laugh with others, laugh often.  Life can suck so make your own fun and make fun of yourself.  This is especially true in the relationship you have with your significant other.  Every relationship will be plagued with hard times, it is part of life but if you can laugh off the silly small stuff you will have more energy for the important issues.

5) Have I mentioned that your mother loves you?  Oh yeah, maybe a few thousand times?  Well I do and I always will.  Turn to me when you can.  I will always be here and even when I am not I will be in your heart.  The very best place to be.

Just a few more words from your sometimes crazy Mom.

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