Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Guest List for Ben's 19th Birthday Begins

I was helping out at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake breakfast for the school when Ben's teacher pulled me aside.

"I have a story about Ben that I must share with you."

"Really?" I said, swallowing back fear.  What is going on? I think to myself.

"We had a conversation the other day in class about why people need to RSVP to parties.  I asked for examples and some kids said that you needed to know how much food to buy or who was coming to the party."

Uh oh I thought to myself.  Where the hecka is this going???

"Ben raised his hand and told me that the reason people need to RSVP is so that the adults know how much beer to buy!  Make sure you invite me to Ben's 19th birthday party, I think it will be a good one!"

I chuckled because his teacher was chuckling but of course inside I was really wondering what his teacher must think of us!

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